The first thing I did was Google “Roland Sanchez Birmingham, UK” and found this LinkedIn profile:
His profile gives us limited information. We now have his picture though, and see that he works at Egotistical Bank. But I’m sure his family already had all those details.
However, the next result in my Google searches is a different Roland Sanchez. His twitter profile has some curious tweets:
So of course I was thinking he skipped town to head to his beloved Ixtapa, Mexico, abandoning Bernice. But then I looked at the year that this was posted and figured it was just a coincidence.
My next result pulled up this:
Which also might just be a coincidence, but pretty funny nonetheless. I removed the phone and email in case this was a real person.
Moving on.
I went back to our first Roland and Googled the bank he worked at:
Looks like I am on the right track:
From here I was pretty stumped for a good while. It seems there’s a lot of fake leads and trolling going on, which made things a bit murky.
Then I saw this other tweet from Egoistical Bank:
Curious, because I’ve never used Foursquare in any OSINT challenges, I typed in “Foursquare OSINT” and found THIS interesting article:
Following the steps in the article, I created a Foursquare account for a more in-depth search. I did some basic preliminary searches for “Egotistical Bank”, but didn’t pull up much.
Before I started getting too involved with all the different techniques though, I decided to quickly try my basic Google Dorking on Foursquare:
Wow! I am DEFINITELY glad I tried that!
So it looks like Roland visited Tamper at Sellers Wheel in Sheffield.
Still doesn’t explain why he abandoned his job and family? Must be great coffee? He does mention it being a good distance from the train station, so maybe he is headed away somewhere mysterious…
An interesting challenge, especially considering all rabbit holes I went down. I will be adding Foursquare to my Dorking repertoire!
Happy Hacking! ❤