Syskron Security CTF (21–26 Oct, 2020)

Oct 27, 2020


“The 2020 Syskron Security CTF event is a free online cyber security competition for everyone. This year’s CTF event features an original background story! You act as a cyber security professional, working for a Czech manufacturing company.

We provide 20 challenges focused on industrial security (all levels of difficulty). Most challenges are derived from real-world security problems, so you have fun and learn about actual cyber security!”

This one is self-explanatory, I just wanted to put a copy of the welcome letter in the post:


For this one I used Packet Total, because it is able to recognize malware signatures:


This is another simple one:


This one took some internet research because I don’t know much about how to navigate through SQL databases yet, but I was eventually able to piece it together:

For the number of users just scroll to the end of the table:

For similar passwords, use the following:

For the number of bcrypt passwords, just group everything by password and the ones that start with $2b$ will stand out:


For this one I used a website called FotoForensics to search for Hidden Pixels:


Unfortunately I did not get to complete many challenges here because I was spending most of my time on the NCL Fall 2020 Individual Game. But the few that I completed did teach me some new skills. I was mostly proud of getting that SQL one!

Happy Hacking! ❤




Written by Samantha

CTF writeups to facilitate cyber education and help me earn CPEs

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