This was a CTF developed by the cscodershub community in India.
Unfortunately, when I saw the main CTF page that said “6th and 7th”, I assumed it would be going on for two days straight. It turns out it was only a 12-hour event (the rest is a conference), most of which happened overnight in the United States where I’m located.
Because of that, when I grabbed some snacks and settled in for what I thought was going to be a full weekend event, I found out there was only about an hour left…
Trolled, lol.
Anyways, I made the best of it and started quickly grabbing some low-hanging fruit and a couple of the OSINTs, enjoy!
The “$13 Million Deal” is a hint that suggests Rot13:
Again we have a hint in the long-winded description; “64th Tribal Chief” alludes to Base64:
From here I Googled “le conche almuhammadyah” and the result was a restaurant in Saudi Arabia:
Here is the picture:
A Zsteg tool uncovered the flag:
It actually shows quite a few buildings in the brief video, and the person holding the camera is obviously outside on a boardwalk. I’m assuming they mean this one since it’s the closest?
However, this white one looks more recognizable, so I might use that one to orient myself:
Using a Google reverse image search, I was able to identify it as Al Rahmah mosque in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
From there, using Google street view, I looked around and found the tall building, which is called Golden Tower:
I Googled “Golden Tower Jeddah Saudi Arabia” and found a website, which is actually designed beautifully:
The fax number is located in the contact info:
Happy Hacking ❤